Many people make huge mistakes costing them thousands of dollars in Lost Lifetime Income.
Don’t Be One of Them…
The "Social Security Elephant in the Room":
When, Why & How Should I File for Social Security?
This 5-Minute, FREE Guide Will Show You Step-by-Step to…
- Choosing what age to claim Social Security so you can maximize your benefits
- Reduce your tax exposure by factoring in these key considerations
- Prepare for retirement by learning how to file for Social Security

With over
age combinations and
sets of calculations it has
never been more important to ensure you are maximizing your benefit.
A Few Things To Consider
Learn more before making this life changing decision.
What is Social Security?
Social Security is estimated to account for about 40% of the retirement income you will need. How does this affect your retirement?
When Should You Claim?
It truly depends on your situation. You can claim early but receive less benefit, at your Full Retirement Age (FRA), or later leading up to age 70. This guide will cover all the details.
What Are the Claiming Strategies?
From spousal, file and restrict, do over, or continuing to work there are many strategies to learn about in this guide. Download the guide for more information.
Welcome, I'm Glad You Are Here
My name is Scott Leonardi, President and Owner of Complete Solutions. I have made it my mission to educate as many individuals as I can when it comes to retirement. For over 25 years I have helped pre-retirees get their ducks in a row for Retirement. Some of the key areas I focus on:
- Make the money you have worked your whole life to obtain work for you in Retirement.
- Maximize your Social Security Benefit by evaluating which claiming strategy is suited for you.
- Find Medical and or Prescription coverage that fits your needs and budget.
As I mentioned, Education is my priority. This is why I host live seminars, webinars, The Scottie Show podcast, and offer complimentary 1 on 1 consulting to help educate you on your options in Retirement.
Let me help ensure your ducks are in a row so you can sit back and enjoy your Great Adventure…whatever that looks like for you!

Over half of Americans worry about not being able to maintain their current standard of living... much less ENJOY their retirement.
Maximize Your Social Security Benefit!
This 5-Minute, FREE Guide Will Show You Step-byStep to…
- Choosing what age to claim Social Security
- Reduce your tax exposure by factoring in these key considerations
- Prepare for retirement by learning how to file for Social Security

What Our Clients Are Saying

Ready For Your Customized
Social Security Maximization Report?
We will use our state of the art software to project your benefit out to 100 over different claiming strategies to help you determine which claiming strategy is right for you.