The Scottie Show
Today is the first day of the rest of your life and your future planning started yesterday! You need Simple, Easy Strategies to create maximum results. This is The Scottie Show: Time to Get Your Ducks in a Row with Scott Leonardi, owner and president of Complete Solutions Inc. As a Certified Financial Fiduciary, with 25 years in the planning industry, Scott helps educate you so you can make the best decisions for your family and your finances, and helps you get your ducks in a row for your incredible future.
The Scottie Show Podcast Topics include:
- Retirement Income: 401(k)s, IRA, 529 Savings Plans & Annuities
- Insurance Basics
- Budgeting: How to pay off debt while saving and paying bills
- Retirement Checklist
- Estate Planning
- Life Insurance: Is it right or not right for you?
- Guide to creating a positive money mindset
- Living a Tax-Free Retirement

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Episode 1: Welcome to The Scottie Show - Inauguration
Complete Solutions is proud to present The Scottie Show! In this episode you will get to know Scott Leonardi president and founder of Complete Solutions and what led him into his career.
Episode 2: What is it like to work with our Agency
Here at Complete Solutions Education is our mantra! In this episode you will learn what sets us apart from other Agencies.
Episode 3: Taking a Holistic Planning Approach
No… we are not talking about herbs and essential oils. In this episode we will cover what exactly a Holistic Planning approach is and why the bigger picture is important. What you don’t know can hurt you!
Episode 4: Talk about Life Insurance Or Have a Root Canal
For many people, life insurance is a topic of conversation that they try to avoid. They would rather do just about anything than sit down and talk about the various plans that are out there and set one up.
Episode 5: Don't Go Broke In A Nursing Home
Eldercare has replaced childcare as the number one issue facing Babyboomers The average cost in Ohio for Long Term Care is around $8,000 a month… yes, a month. Taking control of your life without going broke in the process takes planning.
Episode 6: The ABC's of Annuities
The common misconceptions of annuities is that they are expensive and just something financial advisors try to sell. But is that truly the case? In this episode, Scott discusses the history of annuities, debunks the common misconceptions about how they work, reveals the different types of annuities and how each could potentially benefit you if utilized correctly within your retirement plan.
Episode 7: Don't Be an Ostrich... Taxes 101
There are many times throughout life when taxes play a HUGE role. Especially when it comes to your retirement. In this episode we will discuss all the nuts and bolts of taxes and help guide you to a tax-free retirement. It’s time to get your head out of the sand!
Episode 8: Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits
There is constant talk that “Social Security is changing”, but what does that really mean? How can you ensure that you are getting the most from your Social Security benefits? In this episode, Scott Leonardi dives into what you should be doing now to maximize your Social Security benefit.
Episode 9: Beware of the Rubbish! - Medicare Annual Enrollment
When the Medicare Annual Enrollment period comes around, there are a lot of companies racing to make the sale, but do you know how to sort through the rubbish and find a plan that works best for you?
Episode 10: Does Scott Own It?
Scott Leonardi speaks to the importance of planning and how his Duck Book assists you in the Big 3 of financial planning. As Scott introduces you to the Big 3, he reveals which products he uses and how he uses them to protect himself and his family.
Episode 11: How to Talk About Finances with Your Parents
Scott aims to dismantle the idea of money being taboo, and gives you ways that you can meaningfully approach your parents about their finances. Scott understands that no two families are alike, and provides you with a number of conversation starters to open those lines of communication.
Episode 12: Identity Theft 101 — Won’t Happen to Me!
Identity theft — as technology enhances, it is becoming a bigger and bigger problem, and you need to know how to protect yourself before it is too late…On this Episode, Scott aims to provide you with some information so you can begin protecting yourself and your online identity today!
Episode 13: Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader? - Talk to your Kids About $$
Scott invites his daughter Milania onto the show to talk about money and answer some trivia … but guess what? You get to participate too! Test your knowledge against a real fifth grader and see how you do. Scott also speaks to his daughter about money so you can see how you could start having the money talk with your children and grandchildren too.
Episode 14: The Complete Solutions Retirement Toolkit
Your retirement is like your next big adventure and it is important that you are fully prepared to dive right in. In this episode, Scott Leonardi educates you about his retirement toolkit and how it is a great resource to ensure that you are planning for retirement properly. Scott introduces you to what is involved in his toolkit and how you can get your copy!
Episode 15: 10 Bad Financial Habits To Break To Get Out Of Debt - Part One
We all have our own financial habits. Maybe you put a charge on your credit card to earn extra rewards, or find yourself buying a coffee every morning rather than making one at home out of convenience. No matter what your habits are, they could be leading you down a path towards debt and you need to learn how to curb those habits before it’s too late.
Episode 16: 10 Bad Financial Habits To Break To Get Out Of Debt - Part Two
In Part Two of 10 Bad Financial Habits To Break Scott Leonardi speaks about some of the most common financial habits that people need to break. Scott talks about the psychology of spending money and how it leads to bad habits and what people should be doing to get out of them and become debt free.
Episode 17: The A,B,C and D's of Medicare
Whether you have yet to retire or are retired already, it’s important to know your options so you can choose a Medicare plan that fits your needs and makes the most sense for you. Scott will discuss how Medicare is designed and what it covers, the differences between the parts of Medicare, plan options available and how penalties may affect you.
Episode 18: The 411 of Active vs Passive Investing - With guest speaker Chris Strehle
In this episode, Scott Leonardi talks with Chris Strehle, a 24 year veteran financial advisor and partner at Complete Solutions. The investment strategies you used to get to retirement, may or may NOT be the strategies you should use in retirement. Your retirement accounts are vital to your future. Get the education & advice you deserve that will help you to protect what you spent your entire life accumulating.
Episode 19: Do you have a Will or a Wont? With Karen Hamilton
In this episode, Scott Leonardi has a conversation with attorney Karen Hamilton, to discuss the planning estate documents everyone needs and why they’re so important. The four documents she discusses are a basic will, a living will, your healthcare power of attorney, and the durable power of attorney—do you have yours in place?
Episode 20: Effective Legacy Strategies
You have probably heard the saying “When you die you can’t take the money with you” countless times. If you can’t take the money with you, who do you want to leave your money with? In this episode, Scott Leonardi discusses the different options that people have in regards to who and where to leave their money. He also discusses the importance of having proper beneficiaries in places.
Episode 21: Understanding Fees vs Commissions
When it comes to financial or retirement planning, many don’t think about how they’re paying their advisors. In this episode, Scott Leonardi talks about when advisors are compensated by commissions versus different types of fees, and why trust is so important when it comes to hiring an advisor who you’re willing to pay.
Episode 22: 16 Financial Things to Do Before You Die
Do you know what your estate plan looks like? If you don’t you should start planning, and if you do, you should probably get that on paper for your beneficiaries. In this episode, Scott Leonardi emphasizes the importance of 16 things you should do before you die. Not the fun things, like going sky-diving or trying a cup of Kopi Luwak from your bucket list. He explains some of the most important things you should start thinking about to prepare for when you go.
Episode 23: Uncertainty Vs Certainty
There’s a great deal of uncertainty in everyone’s lifetime, especially during the planning of the rest of your great adventure. In this episode, Scott Leonardi, explores five basic uncertainties that you could work on to create a little more certainty in your great adventure also known as retirement.
Episode 24: 16 Fun Things To Do Before You Die
In this episode, Scott Leonardi shares the responses from his clients about the top 16 things they want to do in retirement. Listen in to get some ideas of fun things you might want to add to your bucket list. Retirement is meant to be an adventure. So get to planning the fun part today!

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