Helpful Documents
Here you will find tools and information that we think you will find helpful! We provide this information at no cost to you. Our goal is to help individuals understand their options and make decisions that help maximize their retirement.

Estate Planning (16 Things You Need To Do)
Procrastination is the biggest enemy of estate planning. While none of us likes to think about dying, improper or no planning can lead to family disputes, assets getting into the wrong hands, long court litigation, and excess money paid in estate taxes. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” So kickstart your planning today with these 16 tips!

Bad Financial Habits You Need To Break
Debt is a huge factor holding many Americans back. According to the New York Federal Reserve’s Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit, Americans had $14.64 trillion in total household debt in the first quarter of 2021. Often, it’s a set of consistent habits that puts us in debt. By watching out for these behaviors, you can stop some of those bad habits and become debt free! Click the button below to download your copy!
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